23rd New Jersey Photography Forum Annual Juried Show
October 30, 2017I just found out that my abstract image “waters edge” has been selected as one of the 43 pieces that will be exhibited at the Watchung Arts Center for the 23rd New Jersey Photography Forum Annual Juried Show. There were 160 entries and only 43 were accepted.
Photographing abstracts has been quite a journey for me. A few years ago I took a photography workshop in Cape May with Nancy Ori. The workshop was “Creative Women” and the group was all women photographers. We not only explored photography but also spent alot of time on discovering ourselves and how we relate what is happening in our lives to our photography. It was an amazing learning and growth experience for me. We were challenged to photograph a genre’ that we were not comfortable with. For me that was abstracts. I did not understand them and was unsure how to pursue this particular field of photography.
I spent alot of time on the internet researching what an abstract was, saw some abstract art exhibits and spoke to some abstract artists. Gradually I began to notice abstracts around me, mostly in nature. It seems I am drawn to organic abstracts - who knew?
Now I seen abstracts wherever I go and I enjoy photographing them as much as still life and nature. I also find that I have much more creative freedom with abstracts. I can apply the same post processing techniques that I use with my still life photography and make the abstract my own.
So, if you find that there is a particular genre’ that intimidates you I suggest you immerse yourself into it and see what happens - you just might find that you enjoy it afterall.